Sunday, December 25, 2016

Sam Reviews "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" by Anonymous (aka Amy Reed)

I feel like this a poor comparison to the book "Go Ask Alice". Granted, it has been some time since I read that book, I know this book was meant to be "inspired by" Alice, and I feel it feel extremely short. This book didn't read like the true diary of a 17 year old girl who fell into the wrong crowd. Honestly, this book read like novel written by the creators of D.A.R.E. Had I read this in middle school, I probably would have bought it more, but reading it as an adult with similar experiences (nothing stronger than weed), I feel like this book made it seem like doing weed is an instantaneous gateway to pills, cocaine, and shooting up meth and heroin, which makes the story seem ridiculously unrealistic.

In addition to the unrealistically addictive weed the main character was smoking, there was a decent amount of careless remarks about 9/11, especially considering this book was only written a year after the incident happened.

There was also a scene near the end in a public restroom that was super fucking gross, and extremely ridiculous considering the character development up to that point.

"It's so weird sharing a birthday with your county. Always fireworks:  never for you." 

"I feel like smoking pot used to be this thing that I was like TOTALLY AGAINST because of all the stuff that everybody tells you and because of the people who you see at school do it. I'm different. Probably because I'm making the decision to do what I want. I never realized how much I let everyone else decide what I'm going to do."

"It felt so good to be there with them,  to feel like I was a part of something special. "

"You could have knocked me over with a text message."  Wtf is that even supposed to mean?!

"There's something about being up in the air like this and seeing the whole city laid out below me that never gets old.  It looks beautiful from so far away, like somebody lined up perfect strands of red and white holiday lights in a grid and then plugged in the whole city.  When you're driving around down in it, there's so much light, and noise and honking and screaming and laughter and music, but up in the hills, it looks so peaceful and everything is so quiet." 

"I just can't. I don't have the energy. I don't need a date. I need a nap."

"I've always thought that the invisible and the imaginary are the same thing."

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