Friday, August 19, 2016

Sam Reviews "The Looking Glass" (The Locket #2) by Richard Paul Evans

I did not love this book as much as I loved The Locket.  I felt that it was more of a stand alone book than it was a sequel / prequel, and so I was disappointed it feel second in a series.  I think the story was sweet, well written, and realistic, but it wasn't my preferred story.  I don't typically enjoy historical fiction, which this was, as it was based in the 1850s.  I really love Richard Paul Evans' writing style, and I find his stories entrancing and easy to get through, but I don't see myself rereading this book.  I also don't think it is a necessary addition to it's predecessor.

"I love thee with a love I seemed to lose..."
-Elizabeth Barrett Browning

"There are those who find God in the order of the universe - evidenced in elements as small as atomic nuclei to forces as massive as the cosmic energy that holds the galaxies at bay."

"Salvation, spiritual or otherwise, is not a solitary matter and along such journeys there are companions placed along our travels and travails, fellow sojourners who forever alter our paths and sometimes carry us when we are too weary to carry ourselves."

"At times, hearts are the most traitorous of devices.  They tumble headlong and blindly toward obvious dangers while they obstinately protect us from that which would likely do us the most good."

" is man's nature to distrust those unlike himself and fear those he does not understand."

"...there are moments in one's life more memorable than entire years.  But these moments are those usually wished forgotten."

"As sure as success will destroy a man, it will just as assuredly be imitated."

"How quickly it is forgotten that Midas's gift was a curse not a blessing."

"I do not wonder at the cruelty of this world,  as it seems the nature of it. I find myself more perplexed at why there is good at all."

"I suppose that my anger is more of habit now than sentiment."

"I believe it is among man's greatest quests of life,  not just to see life as it really is,  but to see his part in it."

"Our false beliefs can be a chain to our souls. Only if we hold on to who we truly are can we be free.  The danger is in the forgetting."

"'We do not see things in this life as they truly are - only as we believe they are.  ...we see through a glass darkly - but no glass is so dark, I think,  as the looking glass through which we view ourselves.  Nowhere does man err so greatly than when he looks to see the reality of who he is.' 
"'And who are we?'
"'We are worthy.   Worthy of life. Worthy of love. Worthy of kindness and gentleness. We are not some mistake of God or nature.'"

"'If i tell you, where will i reside in your heart?'
"'I don't know,  but you must have faith in me'"

"Not all pain was equal. There could,  in fact,  be delicious sorrow."

"The greatest shackles we bear in this life are those forged by our own fears."

"I have made a grave mistake. I have carelessly handled a heart entrusted to mine. And in so doing i have broken both."


  1. "The Locket" sounds good. Not sure about this one tho....

    1. That's so funny to me because I thought about you the entire time I was reading this one cuz it's old-timey haha
      Honestly, though, I don't plan on keeping the physical copy of this one, even though they're a trilogy. I Like The Locket and The Carousel but I don't see myself re-reading this one.
