Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sam Reviews: "One for the Money" by Janet Evanovich - March 2015 Book Choice

Sam's Notes Taken Along the Way

As soon as I read the first sentence - "There are some men who enter a woman’s life and screw it up forever. Joseph Morelli did this to me—not forever, but periodically." - I had a person in mind:  Jake Johnson.  When I finished the book the comparison was a little foggier, but I still thought about Jake every time I saw Morelli's name in this book.  Who is your "Joe Morello"?

I appreciate the "My Fair Lady" reference "Professer Higgins and Eliza Dolittle".  P.S.  Everyone should watch "My Fair Lady".

I don't understand the mother's opinion on Stephanie's job.  I understand being concerned or not liking it but saying it's "not respectable" doesn't make any sense.  Being a "P.I." (as Stephanie called it at first) is definitely more respectable than sewing slipcovers.

I absolutely loved Grandma Mazur!  The scene of her playing with Stephanie's gun at the dinner table was great!

I love the slew of strong female characters in this book.  Even the minor characters like the "tanned skin and bleached hair" lady at the gun store.

I've never heard of removing a distributor cap to keep a car from being stolen.  Wonder how easy it is to do, and if people in New Jersey really do that on a regular basis.

When is this book set?  The use of the car phone and the need for the answering machine throw me off.


Quotes Worth Mentioning

"The urge to scream told me I was home."
-  I totally sympathize with this feeling.  I miss my mom after not talking for a while, but once I see her and catch up, be desire to leave as soon as possible definitely kicks in.

"I sold him a conoli when I was in high school."
"Honey, half of all the women in New Jersey have sold him their canoli."
-  You just have to love a good sexual innuendo joke.

"Romance is good for frittering away a few evening hours but commissions will get you a vacation in Hawaii."

"I don't understand how these things happen to you.  Who else do you know dropped their keys in a dumpster?  No one, that's who.  Only you would do such a thing."

"I guess that'd be okay (using my car) as long as we don't use too much gas.  I'm on a fixed income, you know."
-  I just really thought this scene was funny because he's being apprehended but, "Yeah, sure go ahead and use my car to take me to the station!"

Saturday, March 28, 2015

13th Meet Up - March 2015

We almost forgot to take a picture at this meet-up and had to make due with propping the camera up on my filing cabinet and hoping for the best.  It was a great meet-up, even if we didn't pay much attention to the movie!

13th Meet Up - Book Choice:  One for the Money by Janet Evanovich