Friday, February 9, 2018

Sam Reviews "Rinkitink in Oz" by L. Frank Baum (Oz, #10)

This wasn't a bad story as far as children's adventure stories go, but like the last story it's barely about Oz.  It's discouraging to be so close to the end of this 14 book collection only to have the stories to be hardly related to the Land of Oz and the familiar characters there. Admittedly, I probably would not have read this story were I not attempting to read all off the Oz books.  I can only hope that the remaining 4 books are more closely and clearly related to the true Land of Oz.

"Never question the truth of what you fail to understand, for the world is filled with wonders."

New vocabulary I learned with this book:

"Molly-coddle" - Verb; treat (someone) very indulgently or protectively.  Or noun; an effeminate or ineffectual man or boy; a milksop.

"Prig" - a self-righteously moralistic person who behaves as if superior to others.

"Those who do the least, often shout the loudest and so get the most glory.  Inga did so much that there is danger of his becoming more important than we are, and so we'd best say nothing about him."

"No magic can stand against a woman's cunning."

"Poor people are often obliged to take chances that rich ones are spared."

"I have noticed that some men become rich, and are scorned by some and robbed by others. Other men become famous, and are mocked at and derided by their fellows.  But the poor and humble man who lives unnoticed and unknown escapes all these troubles and is the only one who can appreciate the joy of living."

"This is the way to get ideas:  never to let adverse circumstances discourage you, but to believe there is a way out of every difficulty, which may be found by earnest thought."

"The beauty of life is its sudden changes. No one knows what is going to happen next, and so we are constantly being surprised and entertained.  The many ups and downs should not discourage us, for if we are down, we know that a change is coming and we will go up again; while those who are up are almost certain to go down."

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