Sunday, February 26, 2017

Sam Reviews "Water for Elephants" by Sara Gruen

I know a lot of people who put this book on the short list of their favorites, and personally I don't get it.  It's not a bad story, and it's written well, but it's not all that interesting.  Part of my distaste for this book might have to do with my lack of interests in circuses, and the poor treatment of people and animals they are notorious for.  I remember when I watched the movie I thought it was a more boring version of "Big Fish", where I would rather just wash "Big Fish".  I felt pretty much the same after reading this, it was a well told story but it was mostly sad and pretty predictable.  There was only a few twists at the end that took me by surprise.  I'm giving this book three stars because it is not a book I'd read twice, and I don't see myself recommending it to anyone else.

"Even out of costume they [the performers]  are glamorous. The drab workmen scuttle all around,  occupying the same universe but seemingly on a different dimension."

"And so I leave, although every bone in my body screams against it."

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